Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Classroom Management Tip #1: Snitches

We all have them....

"Oooooooh, I'm tellin'!"
" Ms. [insert your name here], look at THEM!"
"Ahhhh!!!!!!! Did you see that?"

*massages temples*

Tattletales. Tattlers. Squealers. Busybodies.  Faithful reporters of misfortune. SNITCHES.

Oh yes, they can tap-dance on the last shred of nerves that you have, OR they can be a help. 
(What???? A help??? She must be a fake teacher...either that or a LOON!)

Mmkay, I'm a bit of the latter, but just hear me out: "Snitches" can be graaaaaand help in the broad scheme of things.  They're another set of eyes for YOU! No, I'm not insinuating that you're not good at supervising your class, I'm simply saying that extra pairs of observant little eyes aren't necessarily bad.  Use your tattlers as bathroom monitors, literacy center monitors, and teachers' assistants. *shrug* I do it.  It works well. Juuuuust be sure that your snit---um..."observant" kids are also TRUSTWORTHY! LOL

Til next time,